
Friday, January 30, 2009

Words Of Wisdom

You know I often talk about the simple life... so as I was reading an article from Sonlight's (HS curriculum) founder, she wrote something very interesting to my heart. I always wonder how people have so much time- something we extremely lack in our lives, but as I read her article, I could see how she homeschooled with such grace for so many years, savored her time with her children, kept a clean house- never having a maid, wrote and developed a curriculum, and still had time to be a wife.

From Sarita Holzmann,

On Property-Anything you buy has to be dusted. Make your bed daily. It's amazing how much better your house looks when the bed is made. Pick up as you go. When you leave a room, glance around and see if there is something that needs to be somewhere else. Pick it up and take it. Don't let stuff accumulate. Have a place for everything. Stuff that doesn't have a place accumulates. Pick up the house before you go to bed or leave on vacation. It's very refreshing to start a new day with a neat house.“He who is slack in his work is brother to him who destroys” (Proverbs 18:9). Care for your possessions (i.e. dust your furniture, put your bike away out of the rain, mop your floor), or they get ruined and have to be replaced. Deal with paper as it comes in. Ninety-nine percent of it can go directly into the circular file (trash can)."Stuff" ultimately doesn't matter. If something you value gets broken accidentally, your relationship with the person who broke the item is much more important.

On Money-Give 10%, save 10%, and spend the rest with joy.“It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). Studies show that people who give charitably are happier than people who don't (and I have found that true in my life).

On Work-We were created to work. Find a job that you love, and you'll never feel as if you are having to “go to work".We were created for some unique calling. God has wired each of us differently and gifted us uniquely. Seek what you were made to do, and do it.

Such simple words of wisdom, but I believe they can make such a huge impact.

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