
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Happy Birthday to ME!!!

On the 22nd of June, I turned 30- its still hard for me to believe, I mean where did all those years go?? I don't have a problem being 30, but I wish I were 21 with the same knowledge that I have now. Man- that would be awesome!! Coming up on my birthday, I was mad. I wasn't ready to be 30 years old, I had not done everything that I wanted to with my twenties. I just gained the knowledge, now I just needed a little more time... c'mon, time isn't too much to ask for. But on the day that I turned 30, I thought 'that is selfish thinking' and if that's the way I think, then I'd spend another decade pondering what I should have done differently.
So, I changed my attitude and was ready to start celebrating!

My Ice-cream cake from DQ... Mmmm, the best part was watching Maximus and River sing to me!!

Isn't this cute? My stepmom got this sweet dog cake for me, and on her way home, it toppled over in her floorboard. She knew I'd still love it, so she wasn't too worried about it- but what she probably didn't know is that I would have picked this one out in the store, even if she would have looked like this. Despite her qualities, she still tasted the same, if not better :)!!

My mom and her beau David took me out for Mexican- Mi lugar favorito comer es Mexicano (My favorite place to eat is Mexican!!!)
I'm wondering if I should tell you all the wonderful gifts that I got or if you would think that I am spoiled rotten?? Ok, I can't hold out, I gotta tell you. I got... money; a fresh $1oo bill, my first set of pearls; necklace, bracelet and earrings to match, Paula Deen candles, 50 ways to pamper yourself book; which I have already started the 'breathing treatment' and it works :), bath oils, chocolate coffee, an old fashioned ice-cream maker; I am making peach ice-cream for the 4th- c'mon over, Barnes and Noble giftcard and a bag of chocolate.
Happy Birthday to ME!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Best Gift

For Father's Day weekend, we went camping at Wind Creek State Park in Alabama. The campground has over 600 sites and very close. Although, the hot weather was almost unbearable, we left a lot of necessities behind and the campground was no hidden jewel, we still had a good time. Its amazing at what all we have been through, yet- we still have a passion for camping and call those times "remember when's..."
When I think about raising my two boys, sometimes it gets overwhelming with "am I doing this right's..." and "should I be doing this's...", but when we back in to a campsite all my doubts change (even if its only temporary). Maximus is already starting to help his daddy set up and he looks forward to the perks- bike rides, long walks, sunsets, games, grillin' and chillin'.

Jason said being able to take his boys camping is the best gift he could ever be given. That's what I call Noble!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Some Sappy Stuff... and Life's Lessons

This is a really cool picture to me! My two boys sitting on the stoop of my great-grandmother's house (would've been their great-great grandmother) which is still in the family. After my gg passed away, my daddy remodeled it and Jason and I rented it. It's a very cute cottage-style house almost in the middle of the city. Sprayberry's Barbecue is within walking distance and Jason and I would walk just to get an ice-cream. We had nothing then except time and each other. We lived there for a little over a year, and we moved right before Maximus was born.

Besides it being my gg's house, it's sentimental to me because it is where I began a new phase in my life. And forever, I wanted to move back because that was the "good times". After visiting the house the other day, I've thought and thought about this and think I finally understand what I am looking for couldn't be found because I've entered a new phase. And before its too late, I'd better enjoy where I'm at now because one day I'll look back and wish I was here again!!
Hum, I think its taking me 29.9999 years to somewhat get it.

My grandmother loved this because she stood on this same stoop herself and learned how to yo-yo... and now she gets to watch her great-grandson do the same.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


School is out and its time to enjoy the summer... and I can't think of a better way than to splash in a cool pool. Our neighbor, which is like Jason's brother, has a pool and we spend a lot of time at their house all year long and especially during the summer.

Yup... you know its summer when we start pulling out the lawnmowers. Not sure who River is trying to be... Daddy with the lawnmower... MacMac with the shoes... both... or just River being himself :)

And another testimony that its summertime at our house... Popsicles!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

WHY we choose homeschool.

In the beginning I would say “we will homeschool for as long as it works and will just take it one year at a time”. But this year we began to explore and learn many new things. God opened doors for us and our hearts to a much broader view. As homeschoolers, you quite often get questioned, stereotyped or ridiculed for your decision, and I didn't feel peace until I could answer the question myself as to WHY we homeschool. We choose to homeschool so that we are fully responsible in raising our children, and their education, so that we can teach them to love God and one day to be good husbands and fathers. The 3 R's (reading, writing and arithmetic) are very important and practiced everyday in our home, in the car or wherever we might be (and yes we use textbooks), but we truly believe what will bring them true success in their future is their faith, compassion for others, and the pure love for learning. It doesn't matter how many degrees you have behind your name if "happy" is not in front, that is not success. My hope is for the future of our children and their children’s children. Our homeschool is a journey; we have a vision and a destiny, and are in the process of navigating. So now when asked, how long do you plan to homeschool, I answer with “I hope we can homeschool to the end”. I know that circumstances change often, and I would not be bold enough to say that we will be homeschooling then, but I can honestly say that it’s something I ask God for everyday. Because of homeschooling, our family has grown so much in so many ways, but "together" is the way it has grown the most

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


To celebrate Maximus's completion of Kindergarten, we had a graduation party for him with all of his grandparents. He was so excited to show off his work and for the day to be all about him!!

While planning for the party, Maximus would say "It's all about ME"!... so I thought it was perfect when I found a button for him to wear that said just those words!
At his party we had pizza, salad and cake. I had his graduation picture framed in an autograph mat and everyone signed it with very sweet sentimental wishes. We did a display of all of his work from geography to handwriting, from crafts to holidays, from field trips to co-op as well as all of the books that we read together this year. I also displayed his awards and trophies that he earned from soccer, football, Awanas and VBS.
To end the party, I played a DVD slide show capturing all the things we did and the places we went all year. I had a hard time holding back tears watching our whole year together. Its amazing that they grow up before your very own eyes!

I love that I was able to pull this together for Maximus to let him know just how much this year meant to me and how proud we are of him. And I am most grateful for my family who came to show their love and support. It was the kind of satisfaction that you get when you are craving something sweet and you find exactly what hits the spot.
Goodbye Kindergarten... Hello 1st Grade!!

... So True!!

One of the displays...

Maximus was surprised by the graduation gifts. GranBarbara gave him money and a few graduation gadgets, Pawpaw & Cathi gave him some books, and a special one about the Titanic, Mimi gave him her computer, David gave him a few games for the computer and Granmama & Pawpaw Edwin gave him a fishing pole.
Now it was for sure "all about him"!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Vacation Bible School

Last week we went to VBS every day. This was our first year to participate in Vacation Bible School and it was a great experience for all of us. The theme was Crocodile Dock and our church really went out of their way to make it a great success. Each day, we were introduced to a new bible buddy, which was a symbol of each day's lesson.

Day 1: Flash the Firefly- God is always with you
Day 2: Jacque le crock- God is powerful
Day 3: Belle the bird- God does what he says he'll do
Day 4: Blossom the Possum- God gives us life
Day 5: Tucker the Turtle- God will protect you

Each day the kids began in the worship center for assembly, while leaning new songs and dances. Then they would go to different stations, such as games, missions, snacks, crafts and bible stories and end their day back in the worship center to practice the songs and dances for the Firefly Finale. Both Maximus and River loved it and woke up each morning excited to go.

After a long day, they are both still smiling!!

This was my silly class. I helped teach Pre-K and they were a lot of fun. At the beginning of the week, I didn't know if I would make it till Friday, but by the end of the week, I had a hard time saying good-bye. I chose not to teach Kindergarten with Maximus because I want him to adapt to other's teaching styles, discipline as well as encourage independence.

The last day, we had the Firefly Finale where parents could come see and enjoy what their children have been learning all week. After they were done, the kids got to go outside for popsicles and an inflatable slide.

The Certificate of Completion. There is something special to a kid about a certificate. Maximus wanted to go that day and buy a frame for them. He was very proud!

Friday, June 12, 2009


The last thing Maximus did this school year was become a detective in Japan with Top Secret Adventures. As he worked through each step in the mystery, using puzzles, mazes, hidden pictures and secret codes he learned about the people, the culture, the history and the geography as well as learning to follow directions and think logically.

While studying the country, Maximus seemed most interested in the children and their schools. We learned how to make paper lanterns, origami, of course and we made a mess trying to eat with chopsticks. My mom has traveled to Japan so we spent a little bit of time talking to her and listening to her thoughts and experiences. Maximus mostly couldn't believe they eat raw fish, and octopus.

TSA is a great way to build world knowledge and we plan to go around the world with them!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Recess or whatever you want to call it


Pickin' blackberries

Eatin' em

Takin' big brodder to see somin'
I love how my boys have time to play, time to be explore, time for nature, time to be boys, and especially time together!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Homeschooling vs. Public School- Pros and Cons

I really try not to dis public schools or any school to be matter of fact, I do not think we are any better, its just a matter of choice and opportunity combined. I live in a community that does not have good schools, so we chose, at this time, to homeschool. But as homeschoolers, you live on the world's witness stand as a defendant and the plaintiff is-, not neccesaritily the school staff inparticular, but those who do not choose to homeschool their children. I came across this article and found it very interesting and mainly because of such weak arguments that they gave for the pros of public schools, although I'm really wondering about the writer, if they even have children because they tend to contradict the money issues on both sides.
Who knows? All I really want to say is lay off and let us be!!
Whatever way of education you choose for your child, it is important to know how much you can give to your child. Homeschooling not only involve trips and practical learning but also requires patience, love and understanding for your child..

HOMESCHOOLING AND public schooling co-exist successfully today! But one question that often comes in to the mind of parents when the time has come for educating their child is what to choose between homeschooling and public schooling? For parents who are doubtful in choosing the type of education for their children, it is better to know the pros and cons of both systems first.
The advantages of homeschooling over public schooling:
• Homeschooling provides individual attention and quality time to each learning student which is not possible in a public school. A parent can observe how their kids progress and can help them in areas they find difficult to cope.
• Homeschooling is more flexible than public schooling as the schedule can be adjusted to the child’s suitability. Flexibility also helps in changing the curriculum according to what is easy for you and your child. Parents can help children understand the subject matter and yield good results.
• Children are made to learn in a practical environment thereby involving them in a variety of situations. Children tend to learn faster and enjoy working in such situations.
• Another big advantage of homeschooling over public schooling is the cost structure. Homeschooling is comparatively less expensive as compared to public and private school fees. You can involve your child in social activities that can help them to develop their social skills and hence save a lot of money too.
• There is no age classification for homeschooling children; hence children not only get engaged with same age group but also with children of different ages and adults as well

Such factors have induced many parents to opt for homeschooling but one should not forget the positive aspect of public schooling which a child lacks in home based schooling.
The advantages of public schooling over homeschooling are:
• Public schooling provides social development of the child. Although a homeschooling child can be involved in social activities, none will be as effective as being a part of some social groups for years to come. The classroom setting provides the benefit of socializing for your child.
• The parent is left with the complete responsibility to educate the child during homeschooling. Thus, you might not get time for yourself and your job which is otherwise possible in public schooling. This also helps in reducing financial stress for parents who are both working.
• Public schooling has trained teachers who are well equipped with the knowledge of teaching a wide range of subjects. Homeschooling, on the other hand leaves no option but for the parent to understand each and every subject before making it easy for their child to learn. Moreover, the parents have to research and gather the curriculum for each of their child.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I am weird and proud of it :)!

A recent conversation with some friends this week during VBS got me thinking about homeschooling and socialization again (to which I have made a new label with its name). I was asked what I did to "socialize" my boys.

But I got to thinking about it a little more and maybe realized a lot of what adults think about homeschooling now, is based on their memories as a child. They remember "those weird homeschooled kids", the same memory that my husband had in the beginning. But it's too bad so many people don't see how great homeschooling is these days, and how great it is for families. I wish every mom (and dad) in the world could experience one year of homeschooling with their child(ren). Knowing what I know now, I wish I would have been homeschooled.
The truth is, the main thing when it comes to being "weird" or not has more to do with genetics than your schooling. Weird kids aren't made "cool" when they go to public school, and "cool" kids aren't made weird when they are homeschooled.
I am not that old, but just in my time, I have seen times change so much. I think kids have always been picked on, even I was picked on at one point, by my "best friend", but I just could not imagine what its like today. I don't think kids have to be tortured to learn how to deal with difficult situations later in life. I think they are better equipped to handle difficult situations when they have a background of self esteem and love.
Oh well, just my opinion, and isn't that what blogging is all about anyway :)!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Another special day in May!

I cannot believe I forgot to blog about Me Me Me!!!

You can’t buy a gift for a mama with all boys. She already has all the cool toys... like fishing poles, BB guns, 4-wheelers and more. There are Carhartts and muddy boots, right on the floor (not to mention camouflage everything, galore.) With bait in the fridge and antlers already on the wall, this leaves us with not many choices at all! So what can we give her to say she means the world? After all, we suppose, mama IS a girl! A tiara? A pedicure? Flowers in bloom? How about what she really wants…her own CLEAN BATHROOM!

Is that a cute poem or what?? Well, I did get more than a clean bathroom, I got my new camera- my 1st Cannon and I love love love it!!!

Mother's Day is such a special day for me, I have to fight tears the whole day, because its a reflection of everything in my life that I have done right.
My children are the greatest gifts I have ever been given!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My step-mom found this and asked me to put this on my blog.
I really liked it and hope you do too, so here goes...

Home school Kids Don't Have Socialization skills like public schooled children!!!

Yeah Right!
I find it hard to understand what people mean when they say this, or why it’s usually the first thing they think of when the topic of homeschooling comes up. If they mean that sending your child to spend 8 hours a day with a bunch of kids their age in relatively unsupervised conditions is going to help develop their socialization skills, I am baffled.
If you wanted your child to learn how to bowl, ski, play the piano, swim or learn ballet, would you send them to a group of kids their age to learn these skills, or would you seek a mentor who knew how to bowl, ski, played the piano, swam or danced ballet?
The skill of socialization is the same as any skill. Children stand to learn a skill quicker and more complete when mentored by a few that are more mature in that skill. Kids learn how to "survive" in public school more than how to properly socialize. Homeschooled children are more likely to get loving, supportive attention at home than in a public setting. “Anything goes” to get attention in public school and public schooled children quickly learn that manipulation of various forms works to get the attention they seek.
Hum, yeah, twenty years from now, that’s the kind of person I want leading this country; someone that learned socialization from public schools and learned manipulate is the way to get what you want.
If you communicate with your kids in a truthful mature manner they will learn to get and receive attention the same way, a mature social skill.
Oh gosh, now homeschooled kids won’t learn how to “survive” when they get into the “real world”.
If I expected my children to go to prison, then they definitely would need to know how to “survive”, but I expect my children to go to college, go to church and live in a community where normal socialization skills are abundant and “survivor” skills are frowned upon.
Home school Kids Don't Have the same Socialization skills like public schooled children – for sure!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Jason!

I love celebrating Jason's birthday because his heart is so warm to small gestures. He loves our handmade cards and gifts. He is very unselfish when is comes to material things and would do without so that we could do with!!

Another reason, its so sentimental to me is because I have known him since he was 14 years old and have actually watched him grow up... in most ways :)!!

I made his favorite cake for him, chocolate on chocolate with chocolate covered strawberries!!

And got him a real weed-eater!! He was shocked!!


The Case of the Missing Blogs

Awe, its a bittersweet moment... May was a fun month, but I must say... thank God its over!
I can't believe its been a whole month since I have blogged, we've just been sooo busy, so let me tell you about what we've been up to...

Well, most importantly my baby turned 2 on May 9th, yep- he's not a baby (to the world) anymore.
We celebrated River's birthday at home ~very simple~ just with the grandparents. It was great with my two boys being the only children at the "party" and getting all of the attention – both had such a good time that I’m thinking we've created a new tradition.

River's birthday cake- baked and decorated with love by me :)!!

"Happy Birthday to you... Happy Birthday to you... Happy Birthday Dear River...Happy Birthday to you!"

Ok, he's growing way too big, way too fast. I decided to set up his (handed down from MacMac) toddler train bed. I was actually thinking, this is going to be a fun, but long night. But I was way wrong, he loves his train bed and slept all night long and can I ask, why I am complaining??!! The engine's head light is the coolest! Maximus never would sleep in it, so its just like new!

Good Morning sleepy head, its about time you wake up... its 9:30 AM- you are normally up at 7:00!!!

Homeschool day at SixFlags- soo much fun! Maximus rode all of the big roller coasters that he could and I'm thinking he rode the MindBender at least 10 times!!

And we couldn't forget Elvis who turned 1 (in human years of course) on May 12th, he had to have a party too! This is the only party hat that we could find to fit him. We make a "cake" out of can dogfood, put a candle in it and sang Happy Birthday. Doesn't he look sooo happy??

We have completed our 13 week FPU class, with baby step #1 completed, and working hard on baby step #2 and #3. Jason wanted to take this class, and I really wasn't all that interested. BUT what a wake up call it was- I've always been a saver, but never really looked at the "big picture", especially the picture with a family and future in it!
The financial advise was so valuable to me that I am going to teach the same principals to Maximus beginning next year using Dave Ramsey's Jr. Financial Peace class.

Maximus played 8 hard weeks of Upwards Soccer! This is his 2nd season playing Soccer (and 1 season behind his belt in Flag Football). We have watched him grow so much through his participation with Upward. His skills are improving as well as his sportsmanship. Its just a great opportunity and I am so thankful my family found it! We had the best set of coaches, husband and wife team, who devoted lots of time to our team- GO GATORS!!!

After 8 months of Awanas, Maximus was sad for it to be over. He went each week with so much enthusiasm about learning his lessons and bible verses. He eared quite a few Awana bucks to spend at the Awana store for his participation, including wacky hair day and "paying the bowl" (as he called it) each week. Above- he is posing with his 2nd place trophy for racing in the Awana Grand Prix- what an awesome experience!

And here it is... the one and only #48, camouflage truck with fiery hot flames that took 2nd place among many!!!

1st day of "school" (co-op), doesn't River look so happy? For 6 weeks we did a unit study with our homeschool group on the Titanic. Maximus learned a lot about the voyage; making maps, advertisements, dioramas of the ocean, toys played by those children on board and so much more, plus he made many new friends.

What a heart this woman has! Robin is one of the first persons that I met when I began homeschooling and the moment that I met her, I knew I was in the right place at the right time.
Robin and her family were members of Voyagers, the other co-op, for several years. It played such an important role in her and her children's lives that her heart went out for those families not able to participate because of space, so she felt led to begin a new homeschool co-op, Explorers. We were so excited when we got the call to join the pilot program.
Each day at co-op we were start out with assembly; announcements, achievements and a small devotion. I began looking forward to this time each week, as listening to her put such comfort and peace in my heart.

Um, River didn't share the same compassion for assembly as I did... here he is the first 2 minutes there, this was before he was on the floor, under the chairs, across the room- hollering "mama"!! Someone once said "You're gonna miss this"!

River's buddy at co-op

Lovin' the climbing wall on the playground! Halfway through the study, we (me and another girl teaching the 2 year olds) asked the moms to drop their little ones off at the play-ground, hoping to deter them away from the separation anxieties. It worked for the most part!

I didn't realize how much all the little guys (we didn't have any girls) in my class would really mean to me. I was sad to say good-bye!

Here is a handful of us, posing in our Explorer shirts, we love our shirts!!

Co-op field trip to the Aquarium and Titanic Museum. River is watching Depo's 4D movie- he loved the real bubbles!

My dad and Cathi went on the field trip with us- check out my dad with his 3D glass on!

Do I look rough or what?? Hey, we are "survivors" :)!

I loved this fish, he looked so happy to see everyone :)!!

Look at the whale behind Maximus! This was taken in the ballroom. The aquarium's ballroom is BEautiful!!

Look at this fella'- I seriously wish I could pet him!

And one of my favorite pictures- the homeschool fish, can you see him? My step-mom, Cathi, saw him first and I had to get a picture- how appropriate!!

Birthdays... church... sports... co-op... fieldtrips... you can see how busy we have been... and don't even ask when we did school :)!
P.S. That's why its still in session at Brewer Academy!!