
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Who am I kidding???

On St. Patrick's Day, we always have a leprechaun come to our house. Each year he makes a huge mess, but leaves much hidden gold. This year he couldn't find any gold coins, but didn't think too much of it because he found a great sale on Hershey's chocolate.

So yesterday morning, Maximus woke up, came running through the house screaming with excitement "mama, the Leprechaun came, the Leprechaun came...", then I saw him start looking around and his bottom lip started poking out like a fat worm.
I thought he might not have known the little leprechaun left him some chocolate surprises, so I said "what's wrong?" while thinking I would lead him to the "gold".
And he said "the cheap leprechaun that came to see us didn't leave any gold, and he even hid the candy that we bought last night at CVS."

I felt as small as a Leprechaun!

Thankfully he still believes in Santa, The Easter Bunny, Cheap Leprechauns and the tooth fairy, but I know I've only got a few more years to prefect these magical character duties!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well, we are in a recession, but maybe the Easter Bunny will make it up to him. Easter Bunnies aren't as cheep as Leprechauns – from what I hear. They aren’t as smart either. Leprechauns have never stopped by our house because there’s not children living there, but the Easter Bunny still hippity-hops by and leaves my grown son a white chocolate Easter rabbit.

    Scott has threatened to shoot the Easter Bunny; till he found out he was leaving him something too.
