
Friday, August 21, 2009

The Accidental Homeschooler

What is that??

I had always assumed that my children would go to school, although I most often visioned paying for private school. I never envisioned that I would ever homeschool, but fortunately certain events unfolded and there didn't seem to be any other choice. Ok, so I'd say I fall into the category as an Accidental Homeschooler.

So we embarked on our homeschooling journey. I call it a journey because of all the challenges, just in my 3 (including prek) years that I have faced, such as connecting with other homeschoolers, selecting curriculum, learning, learning style and combining it with my teaching style. The first curriculum I purchased was Abeka. A workbook style program that I knew right away (and should have returned) would never work for Maximus as soon as I unpacked the boxES.
Since then, I have spent numerous upon numerous hours on the Internet and talking with other homeschoolers about which curriculum to choose. I have had a lot of help and advise, but I also know what works for one, might not work for another. My desired curricula is Sonlight, a literature-based unit study. I am drawn to this because of my love of reading and writing, but I started to think, just because I like to read and write doesn't mean Maximus will, so this year I have chose the unit study approach, but with tinier steps and smaller purchases, focusing on Maximus's needs instead of mine.

Then last year, something funny happened to me, I began to notice that there was nothing accidental and the ship didn't just accidentally sail to my front door. In fact, I have become so pro-homeschool, that I eat, can't sleep and breath it. Or maybe it was an accident and it became a commitment; The Accidental Homeschooler became The Committed Homeschooler...hmm, I kinda like it :).

However, even though I have become committed, I still question myself wondering if I am making the right choice, more so wondering if I choose to homeschool for ME or for my children. So, I've, several times, got the urge to check out our local public school and each time I am spun around like a gush of wind that hit a revolving door. The grade-curriculum has been a repeat of what Maximus did in his prior year at home. Example, in K5, they were learning A is for Apple, while Maximus was onto ca+t= cat. And they were counting pennies, whereas Maximus was counting quarters, dimes, nickles and pennies. Then I realized the books that we (yes...we) were reading, his favorite, Magic Tree House chapter books were 2nd/3rd grade level, so I knew school would be a problem for him, not because he's so much smarter, but because of his [wild] personality, and what I mean by that is Maximus would most definitely be voted class clown, because he loves to make people laugh, loves to have a good time, and doesn't do well with staying focused.

So where was I, oh yes... the accidental homeschooler. When I hear of a topic like this, I just laugh. I mean you never hear of the accidental private schooler or accidental public schooler or accidental anything, but of course the accidental homeschooler.

Anyway, if you are accidental, committed or whatever your first title may be before homeschooler... Happy Homeschooling!

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